Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The Youngest Doll' by Rosario Ferre (Puerto Rico)

The Youngest Doll story was not so scary but it was weird because why would a aunt make dolls for her nieces every single year...and make them look like they do in real life. That's is pretty weird and not noraml. But i think it started all from when the bug  thing bit her leg. it was curable but the doctor just wannted to get money off of her. So she could of been a normal aunt and be wit her nieces, but it didn't happen because of the doctor. The youngest niece was fianlly going to get married to the doctor's son. So the woman made her a doll for when she got married, she even put the nieces real teeth.of when she was a little girl to make her look even more realistic. The doctor didn't let his wife do anything but sit outside and look pretty so that everyone could see what a beautiful wife he had. At the end he seen her in bed and sleeping but he noticed that she wasn't breathing, so he turned her over and checked her heart but all he could hear was water and then pronds were coming out.

The last timei was scared form a movie was when i was watching Paranormaol Activity I for real couldnt sleep for like a week becaue I would keep thinking that a deaon was going to pull me out of bed, or a deamon was going to go in me or one of my family members. I thinik the movie was so scary because they make it look so real and they make it seem like it actually happened. But at the end I knew they were lying becasue they had like 3 different endings. A lot of things that movies have in commen is that they make a huge pause of silence and then all of a sudden something scary pops up and scares me!

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