Thursday, October 7, 2010

"The book of Sand" By Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina)

   The story was in Argentina and their were mostly in a house. Their was this old man trying to sell Bibles to another man at his house. But the guy already had Bibles so he said no. Then the old man was showing him the book of sand. He started explaining to him that there was no begining to the story, and no end. The guy was confused and didnt want to beleive him. But then he started lookinf for the begining and end and there was nothing...just more pages kept coming up. Then he bout the book. he didn't want anybody to know about tyhis book because he knew that thery would try and steal it from him. So then at the end he didn't want it because it was making him go crazy because he just wannted to keep reading it and wannted to get to the end. but he never did. So he took it to the library where he worked and put it in a shelf so that nobody could see it.

Now a days people are absessed with the internet. Becasue since people can find many many things on there. They just want to keep on going and looking through everything.

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