Thursday, January 13, 2011

"First Confession" by Frank O'Conner (Ireland)

The story was about how this boy didn't want to do his first confession because his sister always told him bad things about it. He thought if he told the priest everything that bad things would happen. He tried killing his sister and grandma with a knife because he thought they were mean and he would always speak his mind of what he thought. His grandma would always tell him bad things of the church and he didn't like that. The first time he went to confession he went with his sister. She was telling him that he had to tell him every single thing that he did wrong in his life. When he got to the church he went into the booth. When he went inside he saw the pillow part where you put your elbows when you pray. But he thought it was for his knees, so he started climbing to put his knees on it. The priest was mad because he wasn’t making any scenes. It was too long so the boy fell out of the booth and lands on his back. Everybody that was sitting outside was shocked. So the priest made everybody go first and have him last so that he could talk to him more. The boy told him everything that he did including how he wanted to kill his sister and grandma. The priest was surprised but at the same time he understood him. Finally he just told him to pray two Hail Mary’s.
The church I go to is called St.Adalberto. It’s super big and it has a few statues of saints and Mary, also has paintings of saints. Then the Stations of the Cross go around the church.  The activities that my church does are like joining a group, but it depends, there are groups for men, women, or teenagers. And they go on retreats and celebrate special days of the Catholic Church. During the services we pray, sing, take the bread and wine and go home.  My church’s beliefs are believing in the resurrection of Jesus and praising God.